Interview Nightmares: Common Mistakes That Can Cost You Your Dream Job In Qatar 

On 27 Mar 2023

Interview Nightmares: Common Mistakes That Can Cost You Your Dream Job In Qatar 

Interview Nightmares: Common Mistakes That Can Cost You Your Dream Job In Qatar 

Qatar is an attractive job destination for working professionals worldwide. Every year, numerous people apply for Qatari jobs, but unfortunately, only a few qualify for interviews. If you believe Glassdoor statistics, employers receive an average of 250 or more applications for one job opening. But they invite only 4-5 candidates for an interview. So, if you are shortlisted, that's an achievement in itself. Unfortunately, however, most people get too excited during interviews and make silly mistakes that can affect their possibility of getting selected for Qatari jobs. So, we have compiled a list of common mistakes to help you prepare and feel more confident.

● Being Late 
This may characterize you as an irresponsible, frivolous, and non-punctual person. If you are late for an interview, call the interviewer and tell him there may be a delay. If you are more than 10 minutes late, ask if it would be better to reschedule the event to another day or hour. Appreciate other people's time; the employer may have more plans and interviews with others. It’s better to leave your home early for the interview location and be punctual.
Consider peak hours, travel time, and whether there are parking lots nearby. If possible, do not plan anything before the interview. It is advisable to arrive at the right place at least 10 minutes earlier so that you have enough time to go through security procedures or check in at the reception if the rules of the office building require it.
HR managers of B2C Solutions, the best manpower company in Qatar, always recommend individuals be punctual when conducting interviews for Qatar jobs. This will help you face the interview the recruiter conducted and increase your possibility of getting the job.

● Inappropriate Clothing
Whether you like it or not, an employer's first judgment of you will be based on your appearance. If you show up at the office in ripped jeans and an old T-shirt, this will unlikely earn you points in your favor.
Try to determine the company's dress code from photos on its website and social media. If you're interviewing at a law firm, you'll need a formal business suit, while less formal attire may be appropriate for an IT startup. When meeting potential employers, it's better to dress formally than necessary. Whatever outfit you choose, make sure your clothes are immaculate and well-ironed.

● Criticizing Previous Employers And Colleagues
Even if your previous boss was unbearable, don't tell the hiring manager about it. Firstly, you never know who this person knows, and he may not like it if you speak negatively about his friend. Secondly, the interviewer may think that you are not good with people and that the problem is, in fact, with you.

When asked why you left your previous job, try not to go into too much detail. Instead, be diplomatic and keep your answers short. Instead of complaining about others, highlight your positive steps to deal with a difficult situation.

● You Do Not Know The Company.
Hiring managers expect candidates to have some knowledge of the organization before the interview. If your answer is no, they may think you are not interested enough in this work or simply too lazy to search for information.

Try to learn as much as you can about the history of the company, its structure, the location of its branches, its products, and its values. This data is usually easy to find on the "about us" page on the official website. It's also a good idea to take some time to scroll through the organization's pages on LinkedIn and Facebook.

● You Face Troubles Answering Common Questions. 
There are questions that you are likely to hear in almost every job interview, regardless of the position you are applying for. For example:
● Tell me about you.
● Why do you want to work with us?
● How do you deal with stress?
● What do you consider your biggest weakness?

And if you cannot answer them, it will be tough to make a good impression.
Practice answering these questions appropriately to a knowledgeable friend. Of course, you do not need to memorize everything; it will sound unnatural. The main thing is to have a general idea of what you can discuss in a particular case so that the questions do not take you by surprise.

● Narcissism
When you hear the word "narcissist," you might think of people who are incredibly vain and self-righteous. But in fact, we may have a little of this trait. Narcissism can manifest in feelings of superiority towards interviewers, leading to arrogant and repulsive behavior.

This is why it's important to suppress the tiny narcissist within each of us in a job interview. Remember that the interviewer is looking for a confident employee, not someone who considers himself superior to everyone else, including the interviewer.

● Showing Interest Only In Salary And Bonuses.
Undoubtedly, salary is a significant factor when choosing a new job. However, if all your questions are about earning money, your potential employer may decide that nothing but money motivates you. 

Our HR experts recommend you prepare a list of questions about company culture, daily responsibilities, teamwork, and promotion opportunities. Most importantly, ask questions about salary-related questions only after you have discussed all topics.

You mustavoid these common mistakes while attending interviews. In that case, the interviewer will easily see you as a competent, motivated, and likable potential employee, and the chances of your selection for the job increase remarkably.



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