Top 7 Remote Professions In 2023-24

On 26 May 2023

Top 7 Remote Professions In 2023-24

Top 7 Remote Professions in 2023-24

Nowadays, a growing number of professionals love to work from home. It allows them to avoid the problems associated with office work and the money spent on room rent and other essentials. Are you willing to work from home? If yes, go through the list below. You can choose any profession to work smoothly, depending on your requirements and expertise. 

1.Big Data Analyst

Big data is an array of structured and unstructured information of various contents—for example, statistical research, data on banking transactions, or video surveillance footage.

The analyst collects, processes, and interprets data. His work helps businesses make effective management decisions. Specialists are also in demand in the public sector and applied science.

The ability to work remotely is a distinctive feature of the IT sphere. Big data analytics is no exception.

Required skills and personal qualities:

● Knowledge of tools for working with databases and file systems,
● Higher education in mathematics or computer science, 
● Developed logic and critical thinking, 
● Discipline and perseverance & 
● Ability to concentrate on the task at hand.

2. Designer

A large group of professions is divided into dozens of narrow specializations. For example, designers are engaged in the visual design of real and virtual objects, from apartments to mobile applications.

Popular Category:

● Interior design,
● Fashion design,
● Graphic design,
● Motion design,
● Game design,
● Web design, and 
● UI / UX design.

Always keep in mind that companies do not always hire designers as regular employees but rather attract them for a specific project. Therefore, many people become freelancers and work remotely.

Required skills and personal qualities:

● Proficiency in drawing techniques,
● Skills in working with specialized programs and applications,
● Spatial thinking,
● Creativity, 
● Artistic taste;
● Sociability and presentation skills.

3. Product Manager

A product manager leads the product team and acts as a link between customers, company owners, and employees. At the same time, the product can be anything: a mobile application, an online service, a coffee shop chain, or household appliances.

The set of competencies of product managers differs in different areas of business. First, they analyze the market and identify customer needs. Then, they develop an idea and present a product concept, select performers for individual tasks, and monitor the results. Simply put, a product manager is responsible for the commercial success of a product or service.

Required skills and personal qualities:

● Marketing knowledge,
● Negotiation skills, 
● Leadership skills, 
● Time management and 
● Emotional intelligence.

4. Copywriter

Copywriters write articles for blogs, posts on social networks, texts for websites, email chains for email newsletters, and scripts for commercials. They can work from all locations and earn a lot of money monthly.

Required skills and personal qualities:

● Literacy,
● Erudition,
● Ability to analyze the target audience, understand the needs and pains of customers, and
●mCommunication skills.

5. Marketplace Manager

A marketplace manager controls the entire store operation cycle on the online platform: from product search to sales analysis, he creates an assortment, makes purchases, creates product cards, and launches advertising campaigns.
His work also includes analytics. The manager builds and tests compelling positioning hypotheses, predicts product margins and evaluates sales.

Required skills and personal qualities:

● Understanding unit economics and marketing fundamentals, 
● Knowledge of accounting and warehouse programs, as well as analytics services for marketplaces, 
● Analytical mindset, 
● Ability to adapt quickly to changing market conditions, and 
● Client orientation.

6. The Tester

This option is worth considering for those who want to develop in IT but do not yet know programming languages well enough. Testers check how websites, programs, games, and apps work. The goal is to identify possible errors and help developers fix them. Therefore, a specialist should be able to evaluate an IT product from the user's point of view.

Large companies usually hire full-time testers. Smaller employers attract specialists for their projects. In both cases, remote employment is possible.

Required skills and personal qualities:

● Skills in working with databases and file managers, test data generators, 
● Care and thoroughness and 
● Calm attitude to routine and monotony;
● Critical thinking.

7. Developer

A developer is engaged in the creation of various software. Over time, many testers move into development.

Popular specializations:

● GemDev - games for PC and consoles;
● Mobile development – apps;
● Web development – websites and online services;
● Business software development – CRM systems, 1C, warehouse accounting programs;
● Chatbot architecture – creating bots to meet the customer's needs.

Analysts predict stable demand for developers in the next 15–20 years. Moreover, you can work both in the office and remotely; for qualified specialists, decent salaries are available in both versions.

Required skills and personal qualities:

● Knowledge of programming languages, 
● Technical mindset and developed logic, 
● Attention to detail, 
● Discipline and responsibility and 
● Constant self-development.

Work from home is gaining popularity among a large number of professionals worldwide. Consider these careers if you are looking for remote working opportunities in 2023. Qatar is one of the most popular destinations for remote work. If you are in Qatar and looking for remote work opportunities, contact us at B2C Solutions. We are the best manpower company in Qatar that helps individuals find suitable jobs based on their educational qualifications and work experience. So join hands with us and find your dream remote job conveniently.


Consult with us to make an informed career decision or to hire an perfect fit for your company.